Category: Blog tyres recycling

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Acronym PFU NFU UTD ELT common denominator tires to recycle


End of Life Tire collect to recycle

Acronym PFU NFU UTD ELT common denominator tires to recycle

In the world of waste management, the acronyms PFU, NFU, UTD, and ELT represent a common element: tires to recycle.

But what exactly do these acronyms mean and why are they so important?

PFU – End-of-Life Tires

PFU, or End-of-Life Tires, are tires that have reached the end of their useful life. In Italy, the management of PFU is regulated to ensure they are recycled safely and efficiently, reducing environmental impact.

NFU – NeumÃĄticos Fuera de Uso

The acronym NFU, which in Spanish stands for NeumÃĄticos Fuera de Uso, indicates tires that have reached the end of their useful life and need to be recycled. This term is mainly used in Spanish-speaking countries.

UTD – Used Tyre Derived

UTD, or Used Tyre Derived, indicates materials obtained from the recycling of tires. These materials can be used in various sectors, from construction to the production of new rubber products.

ELT – End-of-Life Tyres

ELT, or End-of-Life Tyres, is an international term that describes tires that can no longer be used for their original purpose. Like PFU, ELT are collected and recycled to reduce environmental impact.

The Importance of Tire Recycling

Tire recycling is essential to reduce waste accumulation and pollution. Recycled tires can be transformed into a variety of useful products, contributing to a circular and sustainable economy.


The acronyms PFU, NFU, UTD, and ELT may seem complex, but they all share a common goal: promoting tire recycling and protecting the environment. Through responsible and innovative management, we can turn a waste problem into a valuable resource.

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Do you want to buy a tyres recycling line?

Do you want to buy a tire recycling line? Wait Before You Read This Article

tires greener future

Introduction to Tyres Recycling

Tyres recycling is a vital process for environmental sustainability and the circular economy. With millions of tonnes of end-of-life tires (ELTs) produced every year, finding effective solutions for their disposal is more important than ever. We at TIRES have known the problem well since the early 1990s when there were no legislative protections.

tyres landfill

Why Recycle Tyres?

Tyres are made of materials that can be harmful to the environment if not treated correctly. Additionally, they take up significant space in landfills. Recycling helps reduce environmental impact and recover valuable materials.

tires building machine

Advanced Recycling Technology

Modern tire recycling lines use advanced technologies to separate and treat the different components of tires, transforming them into new usable resources. Here it is important to focus on the topic because it is not enough just to separate the three basic components of the end-of-life tyre, but it is necessary to make them reusable with a very high degree of purity. For the major applications, for example, rubber granules need not have a surface area greater than 0.01 m2/gr, while rubber powder, on the contrary, must be greater than 0.1 m2/gr. To comply with ISRI 279, harmonic steel must have a purity percentage greater than 97%. Textile fibre, being a waste used as a low-cost alternative fuel (or disposal), has a degree of purity greater than 80% by weight.


What to Consider Before Purchasing

Evaluate the Supplier It is essential to choose a reliable supplier with experience in the tire recycling sector. Therefore it is necessary to look for companies that offer cutting-edge technologies and after-sales support both for machinery spare parts and for how to enter the product sales market (TDS, SDS, market prices, etc. Understanding the Recycling Process Before investing in a recycling line, it is important to understand the process of transforming ELTs into new materials. This includes shredding, granulation and separation of components, but also systems that allow the production of manufactured goods such as finished products to valorise the raw materials. Efficiency and Innovation The most efficient systems use innovative processes that maximize the recovery of materials and minimize the environmental impact from an energy point of view. A system with a high level of automation helps both to maximize energy savings and to maintain constant quality and productivity



In this article we have therefore described why you should wait before buying. Purchasing a tire recycling line is a significant investment that can have a positive impact on the environment and the economy. We at Tires are one of the established suppliers on the international market, with a long history of success and innovation. Our experience and cutting-edge technology allow us to offer tailor-made solutions that meet the specific needs of each territory and customer. Choosing Tires means opting for a trusted partner, capable of accompanying you in every phase of the tire recycling process.

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Five Innovative Uses for Recycled Tyres Products

Five Innovative Uses for Recycled Tyres Products

When it comes to tyre recycling, the possibilities are truly endless. Used tyres, once destined for landfills, can now find new life in astonishing applications. Here are the top five solutions revolutionizing the way we think about tire recycling:

Eco-Friendly Surfacing

Rubber granules from tyres can be used to create eco-friendly surfacing for playgrounds, bike paths, and other public surfaces. These surfaces are safe, durable, and water-permeable, as well as environmentally friendly.

Building Materials from tyres product

Recycled rubber is also finding its way into the construction industry. From roof tiles to bricks, recycled tire products offer thermal and sound insulation, durability, and a reduction in environmental impact in building construction.

Garden Furniture

Who would have thought your old tyres could turn into stylish garden furniture? Chairs, tables, and even swings can be crafted from recycled rubber, combining style and sustainability.

Innovative Design Elements

Tyre rubber can be transformed into a variety of design products, such as carpets, indoor flooring, and even fashion accessories. These elements are not only aesthetically pleasing but also promote an eco-conscious message.

Noise Barriers from recycled tyres

Noise barriers along highways can be made with blocks of recycled rubber. This solution not only helps reduce noise pollution but also contributes to reusing large quantities of out-of-use tyres.


These solutions demonstrate that tyre recycling is not just an ecological necessity but also an opportunity to innovate and create useful and attractive products. The tyre recycling industry is a perfect example of how a circular economy can transform “waste” into valuable resources.

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Recycled rubber powder for the green economy industry

Economia circolare e sviluppo sostenibile nel riciclo dell’industria della gomma


Oramai da qualche anno testate giornalistiche e televisioni riempiono i propri canali di informazione di questa nuova terminologia “ Economia Circolare ”.

A questa parola chiave si affianca anche il termine anglosassone “ Green Economy ”. 

Ambedue si riferiscono ad una tematica molto importante riguardante la sostenibilità di produrre nuovi prodotti con materie prime provenienti da fonti di riciclo.

L’industria della gomma e la sua mission nell’ economia circolare

Grandi industrie manufatturiere della gomma, hanno iniziato sviluppo e ricerca su come sostituire alle composizioni chimiche di base, prodotti che provengono da processi sostenibili.

Una spinta in questo senso ÃĻ stata resa possibile grazie ad i grandi brand della moda che oggi piÃđ che mai ne fanno campagna pubblicitaria per dimostrare che il loro prodotto ÃĻ coniato “Green”.

Il consumatore ama questa politica di produzione perchÃĐ pensa ad un futuro per i propri figli di vivere in un pianeta meno inquinato e dove l’uomo si prodiga a far si di preservare l’ ambiente.

La storia della polvere di gomma riciclata

polvere di raspatura da pneumatici usatiLa Polvere di gomma riciclata ÃĻ un prodotto conosciuto da oltre 60 anni. Veniva prodotto negli anni ‘50 dalla raspatura dei vecchi pneumatici per la fase di ricostruzione. Opportunamente raffinato per poter essere reintrodotto nelle mescole di gomma al fine di abbattere i costi di produzione. Successivamente anche con la nascita della nostra azienda nel 1990 si ÃĻ dato inizio al recupero dei scarti industriali di produzione. Trasformandoli in polvere di gomma riciclata aumentando possibilità di recupero rendendo prodotto specifici piÃđ economici. Da qui ÃĻ facile intuire che la politica industriale di reimpiego della polvere di gomma era frutto del solo risparmio economico in produzione. 

mescola di gomma in lavorazioneNel corso degli anni 2000, l’eccesso di produzione derivante dall’industrializzazione delle estrazioni delle materie prime e l’efficienza aumentata delle lavorazioni, ha fatto si di abbattere i costi delle stesse. Questo ha disincentivato l’uso per fini economici della polvere riciclata per via dell’abbattimento dei prezzi del prodotto vergine. 

gomma vergine in pani

Fortunatamente oggi l’aspetto economico non ÃĻ piÃđ primario. Finalmente il mondo produttivo si ÃĻ reso conto che continuare a produrre da soli combustibili fossili aggrava l’ecosistema. Un inversione di tendenza ci obbliga a metterla in atto.

La polvere di gomma riciclata ed i suoi benefici nello sviluppo sostenibile

Oggi la polvere di gomma riciclata ÃĻ uno dei prodotti che torna sul podio della “Green Economy” nell’industria della gomma per ottenere l’obbiettivo di recupero di materia. Le tecnologie ci hanno spinti ad ottenere risultati incoraggianti dal punto di vista dello sviluppo sostenibile del reimpiego, saturando pienamente la bilancia ambientale con il possibile recupero di tutto lo scarto di produzione. Oggi il manufatto in gomma prodotto e difettato in forma o per presenza di sfrido da stampaggio, puÃē essere reintrodotto in mescola una volta trasformato in polvere. La sua carica in percentuale ÃĻ solamente dipesa dalle caratteristiche tecniche di “allungamento a rottura” ed “abrasione” cui l’applicazione necessita di dover garantire. Possono essere reintrodotte in mescola polveri di gomma riciclata come ad esempio in: SBR con percentuali sino al 10% senza compromettere le caratteristiche tecniche e riducendo i fenomeni di degasaggio che difettano il prodotto in vulcanizzazione. EPDM con percentuali sino al 15% mantenendo compatibile la ricetta madre della base mescola.